Post by c***@iona.comPost by vijayakumarThis client throws the CORBA::TRANSIENT exception.
A likely reason for this exception is that the client is trying to
create a socket connection to a server application, using the
host and port specified in an IOR, but the server isn't
listening on that host and port. This could be due to the server
process not running at the moment (perhaps it crashed and
wasn't restarted). Or it could be because the server process
is running but is listening on a different port.
Post by vijayakumarPost by c***@iona.comFor example, the following tells the TAO server to listen
on port 5000 on the machine called "myHost".
/path/to/server -ORBEndPoint iiop://myHost:5000
Its /path/to/server meant for my server application / Naming_Service.
You should be using the -ORBEndPoint command-line
option for all server applications, both servers that you
write and also servers that somebody else has written
(such as the Naming Service). Obviously, you will need
to specify a different port number for each server.
The only time you wouldn't need to specify
-ORBEndPoint for a server is if the server has been
registered with the IMR (using the "tao_imr" command)
and is started by the IMR. In that case, the use of
-ORBEndPoint is optional, but you need to specify
"-ORBUseIMR 1" as a command-line option to the server
so it puts the IMR's host and port into exported object
references. If you don't know what an IMR is then read
Chapter 7 ("Implementation Repository (IMR") of
"CORBA Explained Simply", which you can download
This is how my Naming Service and server application running in the
Naming_Service -ORBEndPoint iiop://dbsvr:2809 -ORBDaemon
and the Server exe in DebugLevel
./test_server -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:dbsvr:2809/
NameService -ORBDebugLevel 10
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Codeset_Manager_i::init_ccs, Loaded Codeset
translator <UTF8_Latin1_Factory>, ncs = 00010001 tcs = 05010001
TAO (29229|3086259920) - UTF16_BOM_Translator: forceBE 0
TAO (29229|3086259920) Loaded default protocol <IIOP_Factory>
TAO (29229|3086259920) created new ORB <test>
TAO (29229|3086259920) - IIOP_Acceptor::open_i, listening on: <dbsvr:
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport_Cache_Manager::find_i, no idle
transport is available
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport_Cache_Manager::fill_set_i,
current_size = 0, cache_maximum = 512
TAO (29229|3086259920) - IIOP_Connector::make_connection, to <dbsvr:
2809> which should block
TAO (29229|3086259920) -
Transport_Connector::wait_for_connection_completion, going to wait for
connection completion on transport[141626504]
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Leader_Follower[141626504]::wait_for_event,
(leader) enter reactor event loop
TAO (29229|3086259920) - IIOP_Connection_Handler::open, The local addr
is <dbsvr>
TAO (29229|3086259920) - IIOP_Connection_Handler::open, IIOP
connection to peer <dbsvr:2809> on 8
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Leader_Follower[141626504]::wait_for_event,
(leader) exit reactor event loop
TAO (29229|3086259920) -
Transport_Connector::wait_for_connection_completion, transport [8],
wait done result = 1
TAO (29229|3086259920) - IIOP_Connector::make_connection, new
connected connection to <dbsvr:2809> on Transport[8]
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport_Cache_Manager::bind_i, 0xbf835f50 -
Post by c***@iona.com0x8710c88 Transport[8]
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport_Cache_Manager::bind_i, cache size
is [1]
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::register_handler
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport_Connector::connect, opening
Transport[8] in TAO_CLIENT_ROLE
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Codeset_Manager_i::set_tcs, No codeset
component in profile
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Muxed_TMS[8]::request_id, <1>
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Codeset_Manager_i::generate_service_context,
using tcs_c = 00010001, tcs_w = 00010109
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_Base::dump_msg, send GIOP v1.0
msg, 108 data bytes, my endian, Type Request[1]
GIOP message - HEXDUMP 120 bytes
47 49 4f 50 01 00 01 00 6c 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 GIOP....l.......
01 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 01 61 74 65 01 00 01 00 .........ate....
09 01 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 68 69 63 0b 00 00 00 .........hic....
4e 61 6d 65 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 00 06 00 00 00 NameService.....
5f 69 73 5f 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 _is_a.......(...
49 44 4c 3a 6f 6d 67 2e 6f 72 67 2f 43 6f 73 4e
61 6d 69 6e 67 2f 4e 61 6d 69 6e 67 43 6f 6e 74 aming/NamingCont
65 78 74 3a 31 2e 30 00 ext:1.0.
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::cleanup_queue, byte_count = 120
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::cleanup_queue, after transfer,
bc = 0, all_sent = 1, ml = 0
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::drain_queue_helper, byte_count
= 120, head_is_empty = 1
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::drain_queue_i, helper retval =
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::make_idle
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Leader_Follower[8]::wait_for_event, (leader)
enter reactor event loop
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Connection_Handler[8]::handle_input, handle =
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::handle_input
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::process_queue_head, 0 enqueued
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::handle_input_parse_data, enter
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::handle_input_parse_data, read
224 bytes
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_State::parse_message_header_i
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_State::get_version_info
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_State::get_byte_order_info
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::process_parsed_messages,
entering (missing data == 0)
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_Base::dump_msg, recv GIOP v1.0
msg, 212 data bytes, my endian, Type Reply[1]
GIOP message - HEXDUMP 224 bytes
47 49 4f 50 01 00 01 01 d4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GIOP............
01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 2b 00 00 00 49 44 4c 3a ........+...IDL:
6f 6d 67 2e 6f 72 67 2f 43 6f 73 4e 61 6d 69 6e
67 2f 4e 61 6d 69 6e 67 43 6f 6e 74 65 78 74 45 g/NamingContextE
78 74 3a 31 2e 30 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 xt:1.0..........
8c 00 00 00 01 01 02 00 0c 00 00 00 36 39 2e 36 ............dbsvr
34 2e 37 30 2e 33 31 00 f9 0a 00 00 3a 00 00
00 .................:...
14 01 0f 00 4e 55 50 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 00 01 ....NUP.........
00 00 00 52 6f 6f 74 50 4f 41 00 4e 61 6d 65 53 ...RootPOA.NameS
65 72 76 69 63 65 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 4e ervice.........N
61 6d 65 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 00 00 02 00 00 00 ameService......
00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 4f 41 54 .............OAT
01 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 ................
01 00 00 00 01 00 01 05 09 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 ................
TAO (29229|3086259920) - TAO_Muxed_TMS::dispatch_reply, id = 1
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Connection_Handler[8]::handle_input, handle =
8/8, retval = 0
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Leader_Follower[8]::wait_for_event, (leader)
exit reactor event loop
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Synch_Twoway_Invocation::location_forward
being handled
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Invocation_Adapter::invoke_i, handling
forwarded locations
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport_Cache_Manager::is_entry_idle, state
is [0]
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport_Cache_Manager::find_i, at index 0
(Transport[8]) - idle
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport_Connector::connect, got an existing
connected Transport[8] in role TAO_CLIENT_ROLE
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Muxed_TMS[8]::request_id, <2>
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_Base::dump_msg, send GIOP v1.2
msg, 136 data bytes, my endian, Type Request[2]
GIOP message - HEXDUMP 148 bytes
47 49 4f 50 01 02 01 00 88 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 GIOP............
03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3a 00 00 00 14 01 0f 00 ........:.......
4e 55 50 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 52 NUP............R
6f 6f 74 50 4f 41 00 4e 61 6d 65 53 65 72 76 69 ootPOA.NameServi
63 65 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 4e 61 6d 65 53 ce.........NameS
65 72 76 69 63 65 67 2e 06 00 00 00 5f 69 73 5f erviceg....._is_
61 00 69 6e 00 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 49 44 4c 3a
6f 6d 67 2e 6f 72 67 2f 43 6f 73 4e 61 6d 69 6e
67 2f 4e 61 6d 69 6e 67 43 6f 6e 74 65 78 74 3a g/NamingContext:
31 2e 30 00 1.0.
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::cleanup_queue, byte_count = 148
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::cleanup_queue, after transfer,
bc = 0, all_sent = 1, ml = 0
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::drain_queue_helper, byte_count
= 148, head_is_empty = 1
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::drain_queue_i, helper retval =
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::make_idle
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Leader_Follower[8]::wait_for_event, (leader)
enter reactor event loop
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Connection_Handler[8]::handle_input, handle =
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::handle_input
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::process_queue_head, 0 enqueued
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::handle_input_parse_data, enter
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::handle_input_parse_data, read
25 bytes
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_State::parse_message_header_i
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_State::get_version_info
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_State::get_byte_order_info
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::process_parsed_messages,
entering (missing data == 0)
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_Base::dump_msg, recv GIOP v1.2
msg, 13 data bytes, my endian, Type Reply[2]
GIOP message - HEXDUMP 25 bytes
47 49 4f 50 01 02 01 01 0d 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 GIOP............
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 .........
TAO (29229|3086259920) - TAO_Muxed_TMS::dispatch_reply, id = 2
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Connection_Handler[8]::handle_input, handle =
8/8, retval = 0
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Leader_Follower[8]::wait_for_event, (leader)
exit reactor event loop
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport_Cache_Manager::is_entry_idle, state
is [0]
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport_Cache_Manager::find_i, at index 0
(Transport[8]) - idle
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport_Connector::connect, got an existing
connected Transport[8] in role TAO_CLIENT_ROLE
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Muxed_TMS[8]::request_id, <3>
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_Base::dump_msg, send GIOP v1.2
msg, 276 data bytes, my endian, Type Request[3]
GIOP message - HEXDUMP 288 bytes
47 49 4f 50 01 02 01 00 14 01 00 00 03 00 00 00 GIOP............
03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3a 00 00 00 14 01 0f 00 ........:.......
4e 55 50 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 52 NUP............R
6f 6f 74 50 4f 41 00 4e 61 6d 65 53 65 72 76 69 ootPOA.NameServi
63 65 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 4e 61 6d 65 53 ce.........NameS
65 72 76 69 63 65 67 2e 07 00 00 00 72 65 62 69 erviceg.....rebi
6e 64 00 6e 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 nd.n............
74 65 73 74 00 72 67 2f 01 00 00 00 00 6d 69 6e test.rg/.....min
0d 00 00 00 49 44 4c 3a 74 65 73 74 3a 31 2e 30 ....IDL:test:1.0
00 2e 30 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 ..0.............
01 01 02 00 1f 00 00 00 36 39 2d 36 34 2d 37 30 ........dbsvr
2d 33 31 2e 64 65 64 69 63 61 74 65 64 2e 61 62 -...............
61 63 2e 6e 65 74 00 00 55 b9 00 00 1b 00 00 00 ................
14 01 0f 00 52 53 54 48 3f 74 48 be 0e 08 00 00 ....RSTH?tH.....
00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 01 04 0e 01 00 4f 41 54 .............OAT
01 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 01 03 0e 01 01 00 01 00 ................
01 00 00 00 01 00 01 05 09 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 ................
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::cleanup_queue, byte_count = 288
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::cleanup_queue, after transfer,
bc = 0, all_sent = 1, ml = 0
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::drain_queue_helper, byte_count
= 288, head_is_empty = 1
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::drain_queue_i, helper retval =
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::make_idle
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Leader_Follower[8]::wait_for_event, (leader)
enter reactor event loop
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Connection_Handler[8]::handle_input, handle =
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::handle_input
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::process_queue_head, 0 enqueued
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::handle_input_parse_data, enter
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::handle_input_parse_data, read
24 bytes
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_State::parse_message_header_i
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_State::get_version_info
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_State::get_byte_order_info
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::process_parsed_messages,
entering (missing data == 0)
TAO (29229|3086259920) - GIOP_Message_Base::dump_msg, recv GIOP v1.2
msg, 12 data bytes, my endian, Type Reply[3]
GIOP message - HEXDUMP 24 bytes
47 49 4f 50 01 02 01 01 0c 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 GIOP............
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
TAO (29229|3086259920) - TAO_Muxed_TMS::dispatch_reply, id = 3
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Connection_Handler[8]::handle_input, handle =
8/8, retval = 0
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Leader_Follower[8]::wait_for_event, (leader)
exit reactor event loop
TAO (29229|3086259920) - ORB_Core::run, start [run]
TAO (29229|3086259920) - ORB_Core::run, calling handle_events()
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Connection_Handler[8]::handle_input, handle =
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::handle_input
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::process_queue_head, 0 enqueued
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::handle_input_parse_data, enter
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::handle_input, error parsing
incoming message
TAO (29229|3086259920) -
Resume_Handle::handle_input_return_value_hook, handle_input returning
-1, so handle is not resumed.
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Connection_Handler[8]::handle_input, handle =
8/8, retval = -1
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Connection_Handler[8]::close_connection_eh,
purging entry from cache
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Connection_Handler[8]::close_connection_eh,
removing from the reactor
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Connection_Handler[8]::close_connection_eh,
cancel all timers
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Transport[8]::cleanup_queue_i, cleaning up
complete queue
TAO (29229|3086259920) - Connection_Handler[8]::close_connection_eh
TAO (29229|3086259920) - ORB_Core::run, handle_events() returns 1
TAO (29229|3086259920) - ORB_Core::run, calling handle_events()
and the client exe in DebugLevel
./test_client -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:dbsvr:2809/
TAO (4711|3085784784) - Codeset_Manager_i::init_ccs, Loaded Codeset
translator <UTF8_Latin1_Factory>, ncs = 00010001 tcs = 05010001
TAO (4711|3085784784) - UTF16_BOM_Translator: forceBE 0
TAO (4711|3085784784) Loaded default protocol <IIOP_Factory>
TAO (4711|3085784784) created new ORB <test>
TAO (4711|3085784784) - Transport_Cache_Manager::find_i, no idle
transport is available
TAO (4711|3085784784) - Transport_Cache_Manager::fill_set_i,
current_size = 0, cache_maximum = 512
TAO (4711|3085784784) - IIOP_Connector::make_connection, to <dbsvr:
2809> which should block
TAO (4711|3085784784) -
Transport_Connector::wait_for_connection_completion, going to wait for
connection completion on transport[135690544]
TAO (4711|3085784784) - Leader_Follower[135690544]::wait_for_event,
(leader) enter reactor event loop
The client waited for the few minute and terminated.
can you please go through this give me what's wrong with my execution